January 30th is International Delete Your Myspace Account Day

You still have one!?

Simon Owens is a blogger who finally got so pissed off at how crappy MySpace is put together + spam = he put together an appeal for January 30th to be International Delete Your Myspace Account Day.

Here are a few of the 10 reasons why:

1. You rarely log in to Myspace except to delete spam friend requests from nude webcam girls.

3. You’re a girl who constantly gets marriage proposals from random men in the middle east.

4. You visit someone’s Myspace profile only to suddenly have music start blasting out of your speakers. Bonus points if it happens to you while you’re at work.

6. You visit someone’s profile only to have your eyes bleed because of terrible page layout with non-matching designs and font colors.

The hope is that some NewsCorp executive will notice that hundreds or thousands of accounts all disappeared the same day. Perhaps wonder why?

Posted: Sat - January 26, 2008 at 06:48 AM