Couple protests jet noise with rooftop sign

Friendly skies.

Photo censored by media wimps

The skies won’t seem especially friendly to anyone taking off from Philadelphia International Airport if they notice what a suburban couple wrote on the roof of their home.

“(Expletive) U FAA,” the message reads, though one letter of the profane word is substituted with an underline. Below that it is a picture of a plane with a slash through it and the words “no fly zone.”

Homeowner Michael Hall and his girlfriend, Michaelene Buddy, are angry that jets have been flying over their house since last month, when the Federal Aviation Administration altered departures heading out of Philadelphia. Hall says he has to sleep with earplugs.

“Just doing it made me feel better, but I’d still like to say what I wrote directly to the idiot head of the FAA,” said Hall.

The county is suing the FAA. Should be resolved in a decade or so.

Posted: Fri - January 25, 2008 at 06:45 AM