Fund to secure the world against WMD’s from the Soviet Union ends up as just more pork


An American effort set up after the fall of the Soviet Union to hire its former weapons scientists, to keep them from selling their know-how to nations seeking nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, is now paying people who were never weapons scientists and are too young to have worked in the old Soviet program, according to Congressional auditors.

Instead, some of the money is going to hire Russians to work on a civilian nuclear power initiative that Congress has been reluctant to fund…

According to the Government Accountability Office, while the goal was to prevent technologies for weapons of mass destruction from leaving the Soviet Union, an analysis of 97 projects employing 6,450 scientists found that more than half “never claimed to have WMD experience.”

Nearly 1,000 of the scientists were born in 1970 or later. The Soviet Union dissolved in December 1991…

You do the math.

Posted: Thu - January 24, 2008 at 02:50 PM