Britain to end wavering over nuclear power

Brits open to wind, wave, solar - and nuclear-generated electricity.

Sizewell B nuclear power station in Suffolk

Britain has given the go-ahead to a new generation of nuclear power stations, setting no limits on nuclear expansion and adding momentum to atomic energy’s worldwide renaissance.

The ruling Labour government considered nuclear power unattractive as recently as 2003 but now says it will help Britain meet its climate change goals and avoid overdependence on imported energy amid dwindling North Sea supplies…

Energy Secretary John Hutton said the evidence in support of new nuclear stations was compelling and he would not set a limit on the construction of new plants…

The government green light was accompanied by publication of an Energy Bill to be fast-tracked through parliament with the Climate Change Bill and the Planning Bill. Hutton said the government would give more support to wind, wave and tidal energy.

The trio of bills form the backbone of the government’s new energy and climate policy for the next decades.

Any idea how long it will take the Washington Circus to get serious about an all-encompassing move into sensible energy solutions?

Posted: Fri - January 11, 2008 at 06:33 AM