“Don’t tase me, bro” - to the Sound of Music

Or something like that

You know what a bother it is to carry both [video halfway down the page] your MP3 music player and your Taser gun? Worry no more.

At CES, Taser International introduced the Taser MPH — the first combination hand-held music player and Taser.

The player, which has a 1-GB capacity that can hold about 150 songs, is embedded in a holster that slips on your belt. Feel the need to zap someone and you can unholster the Taser, use the built-in laser pointer to aim, and blam — a couple of darts carrying 50,000 volts hits your victim.

And you don’t have to miss a beat.

I’m looking forward to the commercials.

Posted: Tue - January 8, 2008 at 01:51 PM