Al Qaeda American renounces citizenship

There's a surprise.

Click image for video excerpt

On a videotape released Sunday, American al Qaeda member Adam Yahiye Gadahn renounces his U.S. citizenship, destroys his passport and cites U.S. President Bush’s upcoming trip to the Middle East.

In it, Gadahn renounces his citizenship to protest the imprisonment of Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, a blind Egyptian Muslim leader serving a life sentence for his role in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center; and John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban who was arrested in Afghanistan in 2001, and others.

Gadahn displays his passport to the camera, rips it in half and says, “Don’t get too excited — I don’t need it to travel anyway…”

The self-proclaimed American jihadist, also known as Azzam the American, is on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, with a reward of up to $1 million for information leading to his capture.

I have to chuckle over news programs that don’t offer viewers a chance to look at videos like this at their own sites. They’re as timorous as White House censors - afraid to let us draw our own conclusions about nutjobs like this.

Posted: Mon - January 7, 2008 at 06:23 AM