Netflix to bring movies straight to TV

Congruence and more hardware arguments.

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Netflix, the DVD-by-mail company with more than seven million customers, has a new strategy that may one day make those red envelopes obsolete.

The company wants to strike deals with electronics companies that will let it send movies straight to TV screens over the Internet. Its first partnership, announced Wednesday night, is with the South Korean manufacturer LG Electronics to stream movies and other programming to LG’s high-definition televisions…

“We want to be integrated on every Internet-connected device, game system, high-definition DVD player and dedicated Internet set-top box,” said Reed Hastings, CEO. “Eventually, as TVs have wireless connectivity built into them, we’ll integrate right into the television.”

The move could help transform Netflix from a successful company with a cumbersome dependence on physical media and the Postal Service into an important player in a rapidly emerging digital media landscape.

The article spirals out into several aspects of hardware congruence. MacWorld and CES should drive investors nutty over the next few weeks.

Posted: Thu - January 3, 2008 at 09:54 AM