Malaysian health minister resigns over sex video - starring himself!


Malaysia’s health minister resigned Wednesday after admitting that he and a female friend were the couple in a secretly filmed sex video that has severely embarrassed the government.

A one-hour DVD recording circulated anonymously last week showed Health Minister Chua Soi Lek, a married man with three children, performing sexual acts with the woman in a hotel room.

On Tuesday, Chua, 61, admitted he was the man in the video and described the woman as a “personal friend.” He refused to elaborate…

Police were trying to determine who made the Chua video and how four cameras came to be in the hotel room in Johor State where the couple stayed.

With Malaysia’s history of removing political opponents over questions of sex, I would think that even a bureaucrat masturbating in a closet would probably run the risk of being recorded.

Posted: Wed - January 2, 2008 at 10:01 AM