New air defense missiles for Iran

Golly gee. I wonder who they need to defend against?

Russia is to supply Iran with a new and lethal anti-aircraft system capable of shooting down American or Israeli fighter jets in the event of any strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Iran has confirmed that Russia had agreed to deliver the S-300 air defence system, a move that is likely to irk the Bush administration and gives further proof of Russia and Iran’s deepening strategic partnership…

It’s purely a defensive system. But it’s very effective. It’s much better than the US system. It has good radar. It can shoot down low-flying cruise missiles, though with some difficulty.”

I hope you didn’t actually believe that our imperial government’s policy of regime change was going to be accepted without a murmur.

Coupled with the Bush version of Star Wars, the good old days of military escalation are back in place. Including larger guaranteed profits for the military money-boys - of course.

Posted: Mon - December 31, 2007 at 08:22 AM