Sex lessons must start at age five

They are talking about age-relevant education, of course.

Sex education for slow learners

Sex education lessons should be given to schoolchildren as young as five as part of a bid to combat soaring levels of teenage pregnancy and sexual disease.

Dr Charles Saunders, chairman of the British Medical Association’s Scottish consultants’ committee, warned that schools were leaving the safe-sex message so late that many teenagers were already exposing themselves to avoidable risk.

Saunders also called for secondary schools to hand out condoms and other forms of contraception to children from the age of 13…

Parents’ groups gave Saunders’ remarks their cautious backing and the Scottish Government said it was up to individual schools to decide when to begin sex education. But the Catholic Church in Scotland said it would oppose any such move, describing it as “pointless”.

Of course, if the program is approved, they won’t be able to offer it on the Web - because “think of all the children” who might access the info without [parent, government, church - pick one] approval.

Posted: Mon - December 31, 2007 at 05:50 AM