Prison inmates dislike unstylish pajamas

Style is everything - if you have nothing.

Japanese prisoners dislike their unstylish pajamas, feel their cells are too small and want better meals, a government survey has found.

In a survey of inmates who left prison in the year to March, almost 70 percent of respondents who shared cells with others said they had too little space, while 44 percent of those in solitary confinement said their cells were too small, the justice ministry said in a report issued Wednesday.

Over half said their meals were bad and having supper at 5 p.m. was too early, while almost 75 percent wished for more bread with their meals rather than rice or noodles.

The former inmates also found their vertically striped grayish pajamas to be unfashionable. Close to half said the colors were bad, and 44 percent said the design was ugly.

I know a few folks who’ve done hard time. I have strong feelings about what can be done, what needs to be done to help ex-cons return to society through something other than a revolving door.

But, I also don’t need to hear from pantywaists concerned about a fashion statement.

Posted: Fri - December 28, 2007 at 06:47 AM