Bhutto assassinated

Murder still acceptable part of political dialogue - to some folks.

An attack on a political rally killed the Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto near the capital, Islamabad, Thursday. Witnesses said Ms. Bhutto was fired upon at close range before the blast, and an official from her party said Ms. Bhutto was further injured by the explosion, which was apparently caused by a suicide attacker.

Ms. Bhutto was declared dead by doctors at a hospital in Rawalpindi at 6:16 p.m. after the doctors had tried to resuscitate her for thirty-five minutes. She had shrapnel injuries, the doctors said. At least a dozen more people were killed in the attack.

“At 6:16 p.m. she expired,” said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of Ms. Bhutto’s party who was at Rawalpindi General Hospital where she was taken after the attack, according to The Associated Press.Hundreds of supporters had gathered at the political rally, which was being held at Liaqut Bagh, a park that is a common venue for political rallies and speeches, in Rawalpindi, the garrison city adjacent to the capital…

CNN reported that witnesses at the scene described the assassin as opening fire on Ms. Bhutto and her entourage, hitting her at least once in the neck and once in the chest, before blowing himself up…

The attack immediately raised questions about whether parliamentary elections scheduled for January will go ahead or be postponed.

Discussion on Middle Eastern politics - as always - is open-ended, here.

What has American network television been presenting? While cable and satellite news was streaming images from Pakistan, file footage and commentary - NBC and ABC were focused on zoo safety and CBS was concentrating on the “final push” in Iowa.

These clowns are as responsive as a constipated manatee. I pity that segment of America that still relies on broadcast television for information.

Posted: Thu - December 27, 2007 at 08:07 AM