NYPD to road test electric scooters

Smart! But, then, it's NYC.

Four plug-in Vectrix scooters will be road tested starting early next month as the New York Police Department tries to become more environmentally friendly and reduce gasoline use in its massive motor fleet.

The Vectrix has a top speed of more than 60 mph and is recharged by plugging it in a standard outlet for two hours. Its higher purchase price compared to other scooters would be quickly offset by the fuel savings, the department said.

Detective Derek Siconolfi, who will train riders, suggested the quiet engines also offer a side benefit: the element of surprise.

“You could easily sneak up on somebody if they don’t expect it,” he said.

If you’ve ever stepped out in front of a hybrid - running in electric mode - you have an idea how quiet these critters can be. Should freak out the average crack dealer!

Posted: Thu - December 27, 2007 at 07:14 AM