Job description: Career Divorcee

One more time

She has married four different millionaires and was described by her last husband as a “career divorcee”. Yesterday Susan Crossley appealed for more time to put her case for the right to a share of her last husband’s £45m declared fortune.

Herself reputed to be worth £18m after her divorces from three previous husbands, Mrs Crossley claimed in court that a pre-nuptial agreement signed by herself and the man she married in January of last year was not valid because he failed to tell her about “tens of millions” of pounds he had in offshore accounts. The couple had contracted that should they leave the marriage they would not make any financial claims on each other.

In a ground-breaking ruling, three court of appeal judges dismissed Mrs Crossley’s appeal against an earlier court decision to allocate the case just one day, rather than have the multiple hearings across 18 months that she wanted.

Isn’t greed wonderful?

Posted: Thu - December 20, 2007 at 11:09 AM