Shop till you drop - if you can afford it

If you care.

Don’t worry if you haven’t started your Christmas shopping yet. You’ll have plenty of time to get it all done before Tuesday as long as you don’t need to sleep…

The record may be set on the East Coast, where many Macy’s stores in the greater New York area will remain open for 83 consecutive hours. The Macy’s in Queens Center Mall will unlock its doors at 7 a.m. Thursday and not close them until 6 p.m. Monday — 107 hours later.

“There’s a lot of desperation out there,” said Candace Corlett, a principal at WSL Strategic Retail, a strategy firm. “This is a weird, wacky holiday.”

And not necessarily a happy one for retail companies…

High gasoline prices, the slowing housing market, rising mortgage payments and a gyrating stock market have taken their toll. The cost of filling gas tanks particularly has “sucked up the discretionary money from so many wallets,” Corlett said…

Shouldn’t you be doing your patriotic bit to keep the American economy afloat? Get out there and spend!

Posted: Wed - December 19, 2007 at 08:34 AM