Ready for a creationist theme park in UK?

Another great US export.

The latest salvo in creationism’s increasingly ferocious battle with evolution is about to be fired in Lancashire. Not in a fiery sermon preached from the pulpit, but in the form of a giant Christian theme park that will champion the book of Genesis and make a multi-media case that God created the world in seven days. The AH Trust…has identified a number of potential sites in the north west of England to build the £3.5m Christian theme park…

Peter Jones, one of the Lancashire theme park’s trustees, said the emphasis would be on multimedia rather than the costume re-enactments of famous biblical scenes favoured at Holy Land. ‘It will be a halfway house for youngsters,’ Jones said. ‘Today all they do is binge drink. We will be able to offer them an alternative.’

The trust…plans to apply for government grants and European funding to help it realise its dream of turning the television studio into ‘an international leader in promoting family-oriented Christian programmes’.

No reason why they should limit their hustle to individual nutters. Get taxpayers in Britain and Europe to pick up some of the tab. Right?

Posted: Mon - December 17, 2007 at 07:11 AM