McDonald’s maintains sleaze quotient

What agreement? Wha? Us?

McDonald’s, the fast food restaurant chain, has come under fire from a child advocacy group over its sponsorship of envelopes carrying school report cards issued to children attending elementary schools in a Florida county.

Some 27,000 children aged five to 11 in Seminole County took home their school report cards for the current school year in envelopes featuring the company’s Ronald McDonald clown mascot, and an offer to reward good grades and attendances with a free “Happy Meal” at local restaurants…

The Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood has called on McDonald’s to stop the promotion on the envelopes that are used to carry home report cards throughout the year…”Happy Meals featured on the report card can contain as many 710 calories, 28 grams of fat, or 35 grams of sugar,” it said.

McDonald’s was one of 13 large food and beverage companies that signed a Council of Better Business Bureaus pledge earlier this year that restricts advertising to children. The pledge takes effect on January 1, although the Seminole report card envelopes will be in circulation until June.

Hey! Either you care about the crap your kids consume and what it does to them - or you’re so dumbfounded by the Korporate Kingdom of Amerika you won’t challenge anything handed to you on a greasy paper wrapper.

Posted: Sat - December 8, 2007 at 05:23 AM