Club tells windy member to go outside

These guys should be in charge of Congress.

Maurice Fox insists he has tried to do something about his embarrassing tendency. The retired bus driver has stopped drinking strong cider and, as soon as he feels the telltale rumbling in his lower reaches, limps to the porch as quickly as his 77-year-old legs will carry him.

In a letter, George Shepherd, the secretary of the Kirkham Street sports and social club in Paignton, Devon, wrote: “Dear Maurice, after several complaints regarding your continual breaking wind (farting) while in the club, would you please consider that your actions are considered disgusting to fellow members and visitors. You sit close to the front door so would you please go outside when required.”

Fox also pops into the Palace Place club, where his wind does not seem to cause so much of a stir. He said: “I think it’s because the Palace is men-only.”

You think so?

Posted: Thu - December 6, 2007 at 06:22 AM