Walker’s Point gets greener

In spite of their incompetent son.

Walker’s Point is a little greener these days.

Last week, a 33-foot-tall windmill was installed to generate electricity for the oceanfront home of former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara…

The structure can produce an estimated 400 kilowatts a month at a wind speed of 12 mph. An average household uses about 600 kilowatts a month, Greig said.

The Bushes’ summer home needs little power during the winter, Greig said, so the wind turbine will likely feed energy to Central Maine Power Co. “When he comes up, he should have a substantial credit on his bill to start off the summer,” Greig said of Bush.

Don’t you wish some of those fiscal smarts were passed along to the bad seed?

Posted: Wed - December 5, 2007 at 11:56 AM