“I refuse to tolerate food intolerances”

Dorks who spiral out from a small scientific fact - into political movements founded in fear and ignorance.

I love a good rant as much as any other cranky geek. Especially - as in this instance - when I agree with it so thoroughly.

An example: like a lot of old farts, I have gradually developed a lactose intolerance over the last couple of decades. It’s measurable, verifiable. It never keeps me from enjoying the couple of pounds of mozzarella and provolone I consume every week. And it shouldn’t. There ain’t especially any lactose in cheese!

But, living in a community which leads the world in fear of chemtrails and Karma, I can especially appreciate Rayner’s rant on full-time food nazis.

We are living in the age of the food excluders. And it really, really pisses me off. Every week new, thrilling and exotic ingredients become available in Britain and every week someone announces they are intolerant to it or allergic to it; that it brings them out in hives, gives them cystitis, interferes with their energy levels or makes them grouchy. When the truth is they were, all of them, neurotic, needy pricks in the first place and what they had for dinner last night had nothing to do with it….

Where has this trend come from? My suspicion is that today’s food excluders were yesterday’s picky eaters, the tiresome little brats who, as children, spat out everything put their way with a shout of ‘I don’t like it!’ Now they have grown up but their palates haven’t. In this ego-centred age, they have been given license to come up with a bunch of excuses, wrapped in the language of pseudo science, excused by pompous and spurious claims to the moral, religious or ethical high ground, when really all they are actually saying is: ‘I still don’t like it!’…

Of course any lactose-intolerant, peanut-allergic, kosher-keeping, food-combining, coeliac vegetarians who want to debate this with me are most welcome to do so (if they’ve got the energy). One thing is certain though: we’re not going to be doing it over dinner.

Posted: Sun - December 2, 2007 at 07:28 AM