Horny government official found guilty - in spite of being a good Christian

Surprise, surprise!

A Santa Fe jury on Monday awarded more than $840,000 in damages to a former state employee who accused Public Regulation Commissioner David King of sexually harassing her

Wyla Green, who tearfully told the jury that King had at one time been a mentor to her when she was a teenager in the Estancia Valley area, claimed that soon after she began working for King in April 2003, he began making suggestive comments. She said his comments quickly escalated to inappropriate touching despite her telling him to stop. On one occasion, she testified, she ran out of King’s office after he “pressed his pubic area against my butt.”

When she filed a sexual-harassment grievance, she said, King began finding fault with her work and eventually fired her.

King, who did not respond to messages seeking comment about Monday’s verdict, has denied her accusations and said his declarations of love to Green were meant in a Christian — not romantic — sense.

A hell of a defense. It took the jury only four hours.

Posted: Tue - November 27, 2007 at 08:50 AM