Subway announcer fired over spoof messages

What sense of humor?

An official announcer for London’s Tube system has been sacked after making spoof messages mocking American tourists, peeping Toms and sweaty commuters.

Voiceover artist Emma Clarke, 36, recorded the announcements in the same smooth tones that have warned millions of passengers to “Mind The Gap” and posted them on her Web site. [Right now - it tends to be overwhelmed]

The messages include:

* “We would like to remind our American tourist friends that you are almost certainly talking too loudly.”

* “Would the passenger in the red shirt pretending to read the paper but who is actually staring at that woman’s chest please stop. You are not fooling anyone, you filthy pervert.”…

* “Here we are crammed again into a sweaty Tube carriage … If you’re female smile at the bloke next to you and make his day. He’s probably not had sex for months.”

The British do have a sense of humor. Sadly, their bureaucrats are just as stuffy as our own.

Posted: Tue - November 27, 2007 at 07:15 AM