Data fiasco forces Brits into reviewing planned national ID cards

We should think a bit, as well.

“Trusted to Deliver?”

Ministers are to look at scaling back plans for identity cards in response to the catastrophic loss of the personal information of 25 million people, including their bank records and addresses…

The information commissioner, Richard Thomas, urged ministers yesterday to review the amount of data they intend to amass on the national identity register, and Labour backbenchers previously supportive of ID cards backed his view…

Dr Mireille Levy, head of identity management standards at the Identity and Passport Service, has already conceded that safeguards will depend on civil servants running the programme properly.

She told a conference a week ago: “You can have all the virus checkers and pretty IT you want, but the real problem is people.”

Shall we say this in unison?

There is no patch for stupidity.

Posted: Thu - November 22, 2007 at 10:25 AM