Military Chief says Russia not obliged to protect world from US

Kind of leaves the responsibility with us, eh?

Yury Baluyevsky, the chief of Russia’s general staff, said in an interview with the Russia Today TV channel that the Russian Armed Forces were under no obligation to protect the world from the U.S. Answering a question as to whether or not the world could count on Russia to defend it from “insidious American plans,” Baluyevsky replied, “Today, there is no need to be afraid of the Russian Armed Forces. However, I do not believe that the Russian military is obliged to defend the world from the evil Americans”.

Baluyevsky said last Thursday that Russia would no longer be bound by current weapons and equipment limitations after its moratorium on the CFE Treaty comes into force.

The chief of Russia’s military general staff also told the Russia Today TV channel that the CFE Treaty put Russia at a disadvantage. “It was an onerous treaty for Russia. It was a treaty that Russia alone honored,” he said.

Asked why Russia had signed the document in the first place, Baluyevsky said that at the time, in 1990, the goal was to avert a war, and the treaty effectively served its purpose.

Baluyevsky is one of a number of people called cynics at the End of the Cold War - because their analysis was that, with no other superpower to provide a check to the United States, Uncle Sugar would set out to build a new Roman Empire.

Good thing he was wrong, eh?

Posted: Mon - November 19, 2007 at 06:00 AM