Poland to pull troops from Iraq

Surprise, surprise!

The new Polish defence minister has said his country will withdraw its 900 troops deployed in Iraq next year.

The previous government of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the former prime minister, had extended the deployment of its 900-strong force until the end of 2007 and planned to send more troops in 2008.

Tusk said in November it was important that Washington recognise that his Civic Platform had won power with a pledge to “end the mission in Iraq at least in its current form, in 2008″.

A public opinion poll last June found that 81 per cent of Poles were opposed to their soldiers’ deployment alongside US troops in Iraq, with only 15 per cent in favour.

Politicians who campaign on an issue of importance - and actually deliver on their promise. What is the world coming to?

Posted: Sun - November 18, 2007 at 06:07 AM