Sikh schoolgirl excluded for wearing bangle. Think her family knew the rule beforehand?

I'll bet her lawyer knows.

My favorite Bangles

A teenager has been temporarily excluded from her school for refusing to remove a symbol of her faith.

Sarika Singh, 14, refused to take off her iron bangle worn by devout Sikhs as a reminder not to sin. The Aberdare Girls’ school in south Wales excluded her for failing to accept its uniform guidelines and the rules of its governing body.

So, what’s the back story on the schools rules and regulations?

The school is known for its strict policy on uniform and does not allow students to wear any religious symbols such as the Muslim headscarf or Christian cross.

The girl’s family have said they intend to contest the decision and may take legal advice. Her mother, Sinita Singh, said she had argued her daughter’s case in a meeting with the governing body, but had been unsuccessful.

Anyone bet she took “legal advice” before she signed her daughter up for the school?

Posted: Wed - November 7, 2007 at 01:34 PM