Cremated son turns up alive


A mother cremated a body she thought was that of her dead son, only for him to turn up alive later. Gina Partington’s 37-year-old son Thomas Dennison was reported missing last month and a body was found in Rusholme, Manchester, three days later.

The 58-year-old mother, from Urmston, Greater Manchester, formally identified the body as that of her son and, following an inquest, the body was cremated on October 30.

But police had actually found Dennison, living rough in Nottingham, four days earlier.

Living “rough” in Nottingham can be an understatement

Police said in a statement: “This set of circumstances is clearly distressing and urgent inquiries are ongoing to establish how this happened.”

Posted: Mon - November 5, 2007 at 03:39 PM