$7 billion produces Pakistani Army incapable of dealing with terrorism

Our own military ain't any more successful either.

Not that our own - much more expensive - military is proving any more useful in Iraq and Afghanistan and wherever else neocon nutballs decide to send them before the next election.

Despite billions of dollars in U.S. military payments to Pakistan over the last six years, the paramilitary force leading the pursuit of Al Qaeda militants remains underfunded, poorly trained and overwhelmingly outgunned, U.S. military and intelligence officials said.

But rather than use the more than $7 billion in U.S. military aid to bolster its counter-terrorism capabilities, Pakistan has spent the bulk of it on heavy arms, aircraft and equipment that U.S. officials say are far more suited for conventional warfare with India, its regional rival.

That has left fighters with the paramilitary force, known as the Frontier Corps, equipped often with little more than “sandals and bolt-action rifles,” said a senior Western military official in Islamabad, even as they face Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters equipped with assault rifles and grenade launchers.

We are “led” by incompetent gits who persist in the ideology of “my enemy’s enemy must be my ally”.

With no understanding of the history of any of these conflicts. With the result being the same morass of corruption leftover from colonialism led by stalwarts in France and England over the centuries preceding the American decision - to rule the world.

Posted: Mon - November 5, 2007 at 06:31 AM