No cold medicines recommended for children under 6

FDA panel gets off their butts - sort of.

Over-the-counter cold and cough medicines don’t work for children under age 6, and giving the common medicine to young children cannot be recommended, a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee said Friday.

We covered this a few weeks back. At the time, the FDA panel moved about halfway to a conclusion like this.

Although the panel’s recommendation is nonbinding, it could lead to changes in how cough and cold medicines are used. The votes are to be taken into consideration by FDA regulators, who might take action against the products at a later time.

Dr. Jeff Jenkins, of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said it could take a year or even years for the agency to make a final decision on the recommendations.

You wouldn’t want to have significant dips in the earnings curve for any concerned pharmaceutical companies. Right?

Posted: Sat - October 20, 2007 at 06:55 AM