A Marine remembers

Marines always remember fallen comrades

No need to reprise details of my opposition to Bush’s War, here, today. I went through the same crap during the VietNam War.

Opposition never lessens my concern for those in peril - neither the innocent civilians nor the troops who could have spent their time in better service to our nation and humanity.

This is an excerpt from an email forwarded to me from a Marine:

Click here for the original, uncropped image

I wanted to share with you what we saw in Washington DC last week. After the mid-term brief we toured the Mall and made the usual stops at the WWII Memorial, the Wall, Lincoln Memorial, etc. At the Vietnam Wall we saw something unbelievable. We noticed three small index cards at the base of the Wall. I knelt down for a closer look and noticed that a 4-star general’s rank was pinned to each card. The cards were personally addressed and said something like:

These are Yours- not mine!
With Love and Respect,
Your Platoon Leader,
Pete Pace
1 Oct
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had laid down his rank for his boys who died in Nam just the day before! I later found out that 1 Oct was also the same day he stepped down as chairman.

Thanks, David

Posted: Wed - October 17, 2007 at 09:32 AM