Military string theory

Military string theory

Marcelle Shriver already had the party favours — about 80,000 cans of Silly String. Now, she finally has cause to celebrate.

After months of frustration, Ms. Shriver has finally found someone who will ship Silly String to Iraq, where troops use the foamy substance to detect trip wires on bombs.

But after an initial shipment went to Iraq without a hitch, she struggled to find a way to send thousands of cans she was still collecting. One problem: Silly String is an aerosol and it’s considered a hazardous material, meaning only certain companies can ship it. She also encountered problems sending more shipments through the military.

Of course, if the Pentagon tested the product and “officially” determined that it worked, they’d buy it and ship it to the troops, themselves.

And only charge taxpayers $256 per can.

Thanks, KB

Posted: Tue - October 16, 2007 at 10:16 AM