AT&T, Verizon and Qwest refuse to answer to Congress. George says they don’t have to!

AT&T, Verizon and Qwest refuse to answer to Congress.

Major U.S. telephone carriers refuse to answer questions from the Democratic-led Congress about their possible participation in President George W. Bush’s warrantless domestic spying program.

Officials from AT&T, Verizon Communications and Qwest Communications International told the House Energy and Commerce Committee they could not discuss specifics about their companies’ roles in any such effort.

The phone companies said it would be illegal for them to discuss the kind of program lawmakers were asking about without permission from the Bush administration.

Well, there you go. If George says so - that’s it.

Bush has demanded retroactive immunity from liability for telecommunication firms that participated in warrantless surveillance as part of any new bill to revise the laws governing the tracking of suspected enemy targets.

Plus tracking, snooping, spying, lying, stealing, killing and anything else the fracking White House thugs feel like doing.

Posted: Tue - October 16, 2007 at 06:39 AM