If you get past the TSA - the idiots working on the airplane will still do something stupid.

Like tell you to stop listening to music or watching a video.

I’ll give you the beginning of the story. You’ll guess where it’s going.

I am an iPhone owner, and this is my story. I recently was traveling to Hawaii on ATA airlines and took my iPhone along for the trip. During the first 2 hours of my 5 hour flight I was listening to music using the ipod function of my iPhone.

The iPhone was sitting on my tray table in front of my seat, in plain sight. Then I decided to watch a movie. So I fired up the classic “I know what you did last summer”, a movie I had never seen before. About 1 and a half hours into this cinematic masterpiece I had a flight attendant try to get my attention.

I paused the movie just as Jennifer love Hewitt was screaming something about “please stop killing my friends” or “what do you want from me”, honestly I am not sure what she was saying because I paused the movie and looked to see what the flight attendant wanted. He said something to the effect of “you can’t use a cell phone in flight”. OK, that makes sense, so I assured him that I had the phone in airplane mode and that all cell, wifi and bluetooth was off.

He again said “you have to stop using it” and walked on…

There are more smart and not-so-smart cellphones with this capability showing up in the marketplace. Will airlines take the time to update the brains of their staff or just return to banning everything - as simpler and easier - for them.

Posted: Mon - October 15, 2007 at 07:08 AM