Ex-US Commander says the war is "a nightmare with no end in sight."

Ex-US Commander in Iraq says the war is "a nightmare with no end in sight."

The White House insisted that progress was being made in Iraq after a former top US commander there assailed its strategy and lamented that the war was "a nightmare with no end in sight."

Retired Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez delivered a scathing assessment of the management of the war as he denounced US political leaders as "incompetent," "inept" and "derelict in the performance of their duty."

Cripes, sounds like me. Sounds like most everyone in the United States - finally.

"Continued manipulations and adjustments to our military strategy will not achieve victory," he said. "The best we can do with this flawed approach is stave off defeat."

"The administration, Congress and the entire inter-agency, especially the Department of State, must shoulder the responsibility for this catastrophic failure and the American people must hold them accountable," he added.

Seems to me we threw out some of the creeps who went along with this disaster, last election. To end Bush’s War.

The goal in 2008 is to throw out the rest of the cretins - or at least another chunk large enough to exert real control in government. I don’t have a lot of faith in American politicians acting like anything more than opportunist whores; but, maybe, they’ll be intimidated enough to get our political butts out of this neocon swamp?

Posted: Sun - October 14, 2007 at 06:50 AM