British bureaucrats want more gag orders - on each other!

Brits want non-disclosure after the fact of diplomacy!

Sir Ivor Roberts, a former British diplomat, has denounced a lifetime confidentiality agreement demanded by the Foreign Office as “unworkable and draconian”, and has refused to sign it.

“A note came round from the Foreign Office inviting us to sign up and I declined. I thought it was a wholly unreasonable change to the conditions of service I had signed up to when I joined the Foreign Office 40 years ago.”

The change followed the publication of a book by Sir Christopher Meyer, a former ambassador to Washington. The book, DC Confidential, gave an account of talks between Tony Blair’s government and the Bush administration in the months leading up to the Iraq invasion.

Sir Ivor caused uproar in 2004 with leaked remarks calling US President George Bush “al-Qaida’s best recruiting sergeant”.

Tee hee.

Posted: Fri - October 12, 2007 at 03:10 PM