Cement industry comes clean on its pollution impact

5% of the world's pollution comes from the production of cement.

There were no climate change protesters waiting to jeer as the chief executives and other senior figures of one of the world’s biggest industries gathered on Wednesday. Yet they represented a business that produces more than 5% of mankind’s carbon dioxide emissions. And they were in Brussels to discuss climate change.

Dimitri Papalexopoulos said: “Unlike the airlines, cement is not directly visible to the consumer, so cement companies don’t have the same profile. I call it enlightened self-interest. We know there is an issue. If we draw attention to ourselves then we could attract criticism, but we could also have a voice in the regulatory solutions. Otherwise we could have something thrust upon us.”

"Thrust upon us”? We get their pollution without it being “requested”.

“Most people are not even aware that making cement produces carbon dioxide. It is an incredibly low-profile business and power companies, transportation and airlines get much more attention. But if producing carbon dioxide starts to cost businesses money, it looks like it will have a huge impact on [cement companies’] financial performance.”

Michio Kimura said companies in developing countries needed to develop cleaner technology so it could be used by cement manufacturers in China, none of which have accepted invitations to join the CSI. But many of the newer cement plants in China are cleaner than more established facilities elsewhere, such as in the US - also not represented by the initiative.

I guess the CSI deserves faint praise for publicizing their effect on the world environment.

The article mentions support for research on reducing cement emissions. Like any industry-sponsored effort, science acquires an extra responsibility to monitor for misdirection in the name of profit - in the progress of that research.

Posted: Fri - October 12, 2007 at 09:58 AM