The whole family now talks to each other - sort of.

The whole family now talks to each other - sort of.

Photo by enarcadie

The family meal may be threatened with extinction but “High-Tech” parents are now communicating much better with their teenagers and giving them more freedom, says child psychologist Richard Woolfson.

“The consultation, negotiation and mutual respect that goes on between parents and teenagers in families today would probably shock the mums and dads of 50 years ago,” Woolfson said in a study of how family communication has evolved.

Sitting round the table together for a meal was once the bedrock of family life. It is now becoming a thing of the past but Woolfson stressed that was not the end of the world.

“Now we have today’s high-tech family where family communication takes place by email, internet, webcam and mobile phone as well as face-to-face of course,” he said.

I’d have to agree that the means of communication have expanded quantitatively and qualitatively. Does that therefore mean that the quality of those communications has also improved? I’m not as certain of that.

Posted: Sun - September 30, 2007 at 01:45 PM