The best thing Bush can do to get another Republican into the White House? Go into hiding!

“I think President Bush has to go into a corner and hide if a Republican is going to get elected”

Donald Trump has some advice for President Bush if he wants a Republican to win the White House: Hide.

“I think President Bush has to go into a corner and hide if a Republican is going to get elected,” he said. “There is no way he is an asset. He is a huge liability, and he is going to have to do a big, big hiding act if a Republican is going to win.”

Trump also reiterated his comments to CNN in March that Bush is probably the worst president in American history, saying, “We’ve gone from this tremendous power that was respected all over the world to somewhat of a laughingstock.”

Trouble is - most of the world now considers the United States the greatest threat to world peace, as well. Not so laughable.

Posted: Tue - September 25, 2007 at 11:24 AM