US hype about Iran bungled against backdrop of phony sovereignty

The latest hype starts off with lapdog reporters telling us about a heroic pre-dawn raid - on a hotel in downtown Sulaimaniyah.

The latest hype starts off with lapdog reporters telling us about a heroic pre-dawn raid - on a hotel in downtown Sulaimaniyah.

According to Fox Snooze:

The Iranian officer was allegedly involved in transporting roadside bombs, including armor-piercing explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, into Iraq, according to a military statement. It said intelligence reports also indicated he was involved in the infiltration and training of foreign fighters in Iraq.

Quoting the President of Iraq:

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has called for the immediate release of an Iranian official detained by US forces in the semi-autonomous Kurdish north. Mr Talabani said the US had humiliated the Kurdish authorities by ignoring their laws and failing to consult them.

Both the Iraqi Kurds and Tehran insist the man was an Iranian trade official in Iraq on the invitation of the Kurds.

Not illogical btw. Iraqis hope Americans will eventually get out of their country - and they might resume normal trade with their neighbors.

Of course, this takes place against the background of US mercenaries taking out more civilians. The mercenaries are ordered out of the country by the “sovereign” government of Iraq. Uncle Sugar tells them to lie low for a couple of days while Condi Rice makes it clear - who really gets to make decisions about governing Iraq.

American diplomats resumed travel Friday in Iraq in convoys escorted by Blackwater USA, the private American security contractor, less than a week after the Iraqi government banned the company for a shooting in which at least eight Iraqis were killed.

It was unclear, however, whether the Iraqi authorities had approved the decision to allow Blackwater to resume operations, and what this resumption of convoy traffic means in the developing dispute between Iraqi and U.S. officials over the use of private security contractors in Iraq.

I know the Iraqis don’t run their own country. You know the Iraqis don’t run anything. Even the nutjobs who parrot the latest neocon talking points know better - they just won’t admit it.

Posted: Sat - September 22, 2007 at 01:35 PM