Nuns evicted so church can pick up the tab for pedophile priests

Nuns evicted so church can pick up the tab for pedophile priests

Just try to evict us!

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles is selling a convent that has housed an order of nuns for more than four decades to help pay for a record-breaking sex abuse settlement.

Three nuns from the Sisters of Bethany order have until December 31 to move out, though an earlier departure “would be acceptable as well,” the archdiocese’s vicar general said in a letter to the nuns.

“We’re just so hurt by this,” said Sister Angela Escalera, the order’s local superior. “And what hurts the most is what the money will be used for, to help pay for the pedophile priests. We have to sacrifice our home for that?”

Stone Age morality triumphs, again.

Posted: Fri - September 14, 2007 at 10:06 AM