A third of U.S. watch list is wrong

A third of FBI's terrorist watch list is wrong

The U.S government’s consolidated terrorist watch list contains more than three-quarters of a million names, is growing at the rate of 20,000 names a month, and is consulted several million times a day. But more than a third of the records examined in a recent audit contained inaccurate or inconsistent information.

The audit, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, also found that the watch list, maintained by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, contained more than 6,000 duplicate records; that there was no effective process in place for checking and correcting errors on the list; and that complaints from people who believed they had been wrongly listed took too long to resolve.

However, FBI Director Robert Mueller told a Senate hearing the watch list “is and has been exceptionally successful in terms of doing what it was established to do, and that is identifying persons whom we do not want to let into the country, identifying persons who may be in the country and giving us some indication as where they are and what they’re doing.”

Do IT standards have anything to do with precision, accuracy? Do you honestly think there are 750,000 people out there who hate the US and constitute a danger.

Posted: Thu - September 13, 2007 at 08:58 AM