Britain’s foot and mouth outbreak: will they blame some janitor?

The foot and mouth outbreak on a British farm has been linked to a nearby laboratory.

Or will they discover that procedures administered by some bureaucrat are at fault?

The foot and mouth outbreak on a British farm was linked to a nearby laboratory Saturday, sparking fears of a leak at the animal research facility.

The environment ministry revealed the virus strain discovered on a farm near London was not normally found in animals and was similar to one being used at the Pirbright laboratory just a few kilometres away.

“It is most similar to strains used in international diagnostic laboratories and in vaccine production, including at the Pirbright site shared by the Institute of Animal Health and Merial Animal Health Ltd..

“This strain is present at the IAH and was used in a batch manufactured in July 2007 by the Merial facility. On a precautionary basis Merial has agreed to voluntarily halt vaccine production.

The effects of this disease - and the “cure” - destroyed rural economies in many parts of the UK in 2001. Bans on British beef are already falling into place.

Posted: Sun - August 5, 2007 at 01:30 PM