Candidates asked to sign anti-torture pledge

A campaign has launched urging presidential candidates to sign an “American Freedom Pledge” rejecting torture.

A coalition of civil rights groups launched a campaign on Tuesday urging presidential candidates to sign an “American Freedom Pledge” rejecting torture, detention without trial and warrantless wire-tapping.

The online pledge reads:

“We are Americans, and in our America we do not torture, we do not imprison people without charge or legal remedy, we do not tap people’s phones and e-mails without a court order, and above all we do not give any president unchecked power.”

“I pledge to fight to protect and defend the Constitution from assault by any president.”

I’m looking forward to the rationales from candidates who refuse to sign on. There were a few folks named Franklin and Jefferson and Hancock who I’m confident would sign.

Posted: Wed - August 1, 2007 at 06:32 AM