Does your email keep you awake?

If you’re sleeping with a portable device next to your pillow so you will not miss an email during the night, you are not alone.

If you’re sleeping with a portable device next to your pillow so you will not miss an email during the night, you are not alone. According to AOL’s third annual “Email Addiction” survey, more Americans than ever before are using portable devices to keep tabs on their email throughout the day and night, and from virtually anywhere – bed, cars, bathrooms and even church.

Americans are emailing anywhere and everywhere. Fifty-nine percent of people emailing from portable devices are checking email in bed while in their pajamas; 53% in the bathroom; 37% are checking email while they drive; and 12% admit to checking email in church.

Forty-three percent of email users check their email first thing in the morning, and 40% have checked their email in the middle of the night. Twenty-six percent admit to checking email on a laptop in bed while in their pajamas.

Cripes! My computer checks my email frequently; so, it’s there when I look in. I don’t allow it to holler at me when it arrives.

Posted: Sun - July 29, 2007 at 08:45 AM