Mirror reporters held over fake bomb attempt

Two Daily Mirror journalists were arrested after attempting to plant a fake bomb on a train in what the newspaper called a “legitimate and justified journalistic exercise”.

Two Daily Mirror journalists were arrested after attempting to plant a fake bomb on a train in what the newspaper called a “legitimate and justified journalistic exercise”.

The reporters were arrested at Stonebridge Park depot in north-west London after railway staff noticed the men carrying fake equipment and approached them to ask what they were doing on the site before contacting the British Transport police to report the trespass.

These reporters have pulled this stunt before and gotten away with it - and patted themselves on the back for exposing security lapses. Now, the Mirror wants immunity and whines about them being busted:
Reporter Tom Parry and photographer Roger Allen were held for 12 hours and quizzed at length under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. Meanwhile their family homes were being searched and computers, photographic equipment and even personal possessions seized by British Transport Police officers.

The heavy-handed response shows how the Act could be misused to intimidate journalists on a legitimate assignment…

I didn’t know that “legitimate assignment” allowed breaking the law.

Posted: Fri - July 27, 2007 at 07:10 AM