Grand Jury says No Charges for doctor in Katrina hospital deaths

The certificates of death in these individual patients should read ‘abandoned by their government.’

Would you rather have fools like this in charge? Oh, wait…

The doctor at the center of an investigation into four patients’ deaths after Hurricane Katrina said everyone must remember the “magnitude of human suffering” after the storm to ensure that no health care worker is ever “falsely accused in a rush to judgment.”

“Today’s events are not a triumph, but a moment of remembrance for those who lost their lives in the storm and a tribute to all of those who stayed at their posts and served people most in need,” Dr. Anna Pou said after a grand jury decided Tuesday not to pursue criminal charges against her.

Pou’s lawyer, Rick Simmons, said she and her patients were “abandoned” by all levels of government.

“The certificates of death in these individual patients should read ‘abandoned by their government.’ That’s what happened here,” he said.

I’ve never had a problem with Dr. Pou’s concern for her patients in the heart of a terrible storm - and the desperate aftermath.

If I was in straits similar to her patients, I would hope for the same kindness and care - the same competent decision.

Pou is still facing lawsuits filed by relatives of three of the four people who died.

The article has a fair amount of info. There are statements from practitioners and patients supporting her over here.

Posted: Wed - July 25, 2007 at 06:49 AM