Oranges can feed the grid as well as your belly

Here comes the first ever commercial scale citrus peel to ethanol plant.

Now, will California catch up to Florida?

FPL Energy has signed a letter of intent with Citrus Energy, of Boca Raton, FL, to develop the first ever commercial scale citrus peel to ethanol plant. The cellulosic ethanol plant will be owned and operated by FPL Energy and is expected to produce four million gallons of ethanol per year. It will be located on the grounds of a local Florida citrus processor.

FPL Energy said that ethanol from citrus peel could result in a new Florida industry producing over 60 million gallons of fuel per year, which could replace about one percent of Florida’s annual gasoline consumption.

It’s an ecologist’s delight to see segments of the business world prepared to run straight past the naysayers in government and the economic establishment - and profit from what was considered “inevitable” waste.

Posted: Tue - July 24, 2007 at 06:37 AM