Cut birthrate to save Earth

The new head of the British Science Museum has an uncompromising view about how global warming should be dealt with.

The new head of the British Science Museum has an uncompromising view about how global warming should be dealt with: get rid of a few billion people. Chris Rapley, who takes up his post on September 1, is not afraid of offending. ‘I am not advocating genocide,’ said Rapley. ‘What I am saying is that if we invest in ways to reduce the birthrate - by improving contraception, education and healthcare - we will stop the world’s population reaching its current estimated limit of between eight and 10 billion.

‘That in turn will mean less carbon dioxide is being pumped into the atmosphere because there will be fewer people to drive cars and use electricity. The crucial point is that to achieve this goal you would only have to spend a fraction of the money that will be needed to bring about technological fixes, new nuclear power plants or renewable energy plants. However, everyone has decided, quietly, to ignore the issue.’

Nothing like starting the 2nd half of the weekend with a bona fide and well-educated curmudgeon.

Posted: Sun - July 22, 2007 at 07:23 AM