Spanish Judge orders magazine depicting royal sex confiscatedA senior Spanish judge has ordered police to
confiscate copies of a magazine containing a cartoon that depicts Spanish royals
in a graphic sexual pose.
A senior Spanish judge has ordered police to confiscate copies of a satirical magazine containing a cartoon that depicts Crown Prince Felipe and his wife, Princess Letizia, in a graphic sexual pose. Judge Juan del Olmo of the National Audience wrote in a court order that the cartoon on the cover of El Jueves showed the royal couple in a “degrading” posture that may have broken laws that protect the royal family and the dignity of the crown. The laws carry a maximum prison sentence of two years. In the cartoon, which referred to a new, €2,500 government bonus for every newborn child, Prince Felipe says to Princess Letizia, “Do you realize, if you get pregnant this will be the closest thing to work that I have done in my life.” Reminds me of what passed for schoolyard porn when I was a kid. Posted: Sat - July 21, 2007 at 07:32 AM |