Iraq parliament at full strength just in time for vacation

Lawmakers from two major blocs in Iraq’s parliament ended boycotts and returned to work this week, just two weeks before all the politicians go home for a controversial monthlong summer break.

How Shock and Awe was supposed to work

Lawmakers from two major blocs in Iraq’s parliament ended boycotts and returned to work this week, just two weeks before all the politicians go home for a controversial monthlong summer break.

This is followed by 6 paragraphs detailing just some of the factions - coming and going - because you can’t tell the players without a scorecard.

As for the summer break, Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish lawmaker, said that the Iraqi parliament would take a month long recess in August.

U.S. lawmakers, government officials and others have criticized the planned hiatus.

Just before Congress takes their own summer break.

“We decided to take the vacation, and we insisted on taking a vacation because the U.S. administration has put high pressure on us, interfering with our business and treating us as servants, not as parliament members,” said Othman.

Posted: Fri - July 20, 2007 at 09:02 AM